piątek, 13 luty 2009 15:15

Critical mass

It takes place every last Friday of a month. People gather in the very center of Poznan, where they start their drive through the streets of the city from. They shout slogans such as: ROWER POWER (Bike power)! and POZNAN - A CITY FOR BIKES!
piątek, 13 luty 2009 15:10

Food not bombs

Food not bombs is a world-wide initiative of handing out free vegetarian meals to the unprivileged. The first action was organized in 1980 by American activists protesting against nuclear armaments. Besides from the practical side of the initiative, it has a symbolic meaning. It pays attention to the problem of famine and malnutrition, that takes place everywhere in the world, even in the richest countries. The problem of famine is not caused by the lack of food in the world, but it is caused by the politics of rich countries, that prefer huge money expenditure spent on arming. Meanwhile, the improvement of the existence situation of the poorest is funded fewer and fewer. Statistically, the sum of money spent a week for arming is equal to the cost of feeding the starving people all over the world for a year. In the face of outbreak of the war in Iraq, our action's aim is to pay attention to the problem of poorness and the disability to satisfy all the living needs of part of our society and people all over the world.
piątek, 13 luty 2009 14:51

Trojka Publishing House

Trojka Publishing House was started in 1994. It originated as an idea to share interesting books found in antique bookshops and old attics. It turned out later that more people were interested in such an idea and the brochures were sold and distributed more widely.
piątek, 13 luty 2009 14:32


Rozbrat squatPułaskiego Street 21a, Poznan, Poland see the mapPost send:P.O. Box 5, 60 - 966 Poznan 31, PolandPhone during the opening hours of the Anarchist library: (+48) 061 8484672If you want:- ask about Anarchist Federation, organize at Rozbrat a cultural orpolitical meeting, discussion, film screening etc.: write to Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.- visit us: write to Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.- play a gig: write to Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
piątek, 13 luty 2009 14:10

Workers' Initiative

Not without a reason, the birth of modern anarchist movement in Poland is said to be on 1st May 1983, when the group of the Movement for the Alternative Society took an active part in turbulent workers demonstrations. From the moment of appearing, after an almost 40-year break caused by the repression of communist regime, the anarchist was always connected with the workers' movement, on the one hand, and on the other and with counter-culture, that was heading to anti-militarism and ecology. At the turn of the 1980's and the 1990's, it caused an engagement of anarchists in movement of building trade unions, on the basis of objectors (in 1988 the regime, under pressure of protests, introduced the law of substitute national service). In that turbulent period of time (1989-1993) the anarchists were supporting and taking part in numerous workers' protests. However, those actions did not cause a creation of anarchosydicalist movement. After a several years' break - in the face of changed social and political reality - anarchist groups had to face the necessity of participating in the workers' movement which had weakened a lot in that period. In 1998 Anarchosydicalist Agreement was created, and three years later Workers' Initiative.
piątek, 13 luty 2009 13:45

Anarchist Federation

The Anarchist Federation aims at abolishing all social structures and laws that restrict personal freedom in any way - the power that comes from appropriating the means of compulsion, production and indoctrination. We judge necessary: identifying work as the property, the law of protection of life (and health of every living creature), freedom (deciding about your body and mind by yourself) or work (and its effects). Anything else shouldn't be neither ordered nor banned, and decisions about actions should be made only by people involved and interested in the action, not by some people from the outside, especially from institutions. Organizing life on social scale shouldn't be based on authority from above but on solidarity and workers', local councils etc. people have the right to make mistakes on their own account.
piątek, 13 luty 2009 12:42

Rozbrat squat

Since the beginning of the 1990's groups of Poznan freedom movement wanted to have their own premises. During that very active period, the freedom movement took part in many initiatives which aim was to socialise goods. Successes of groups in other towns were encouraging them to act.In the summer of 1994, not minding the consent of authorities or owners, activists decisively started to look for premises. Several buildings were found, but the most appropriate one was the barrack of the bankrupted warehouse. It was situated in an deserted area that used to be a warehouse-industrial complex.
czwartek, 22 styczeń 2009 12:28

Eviction of a new squat in Poznan

8 squatters from Poznan were arrested today morning during an eviction of a new squat in Poznan city centre (the building was squatted for 2 months). The people arrested were not only the squatters from this squat but also people from Poznan's oldest squat Rozbrat (, who came to support them. There is a picket in front of the cop station taking place right now. The eviction of the squat was announced by cops few days ago, but it was also illegal, they had no warrant to come into the building. Media were called and they filmed everything.
The University held a meeting during which some Polish citizens were supposed to be awarded for their aid to Jewish people during WWII. When the Israeli ambassador started his speech anarchists unfurled a banner saying "Stop the slaughter in Gaza" and started to shout anti-war slogans. Then one man from the audience attacked the protesters, the people gathered in the hall started to pull the fighting people apart. The cops who were outside of the university walked 6 anarchists out of the hall, three of them were arrested and charged with an assault on Israeli journalist (he was taken to the hospital).
czwartek, 15 styczeń 2009 12:17

Rozbrat squat communique

Today morning a bailiff together with locksmiths, assessor and cops came to Rozbrat squat. After negotiations with a group of squatters the assessor was let in and took photos of the ground but was not allowed into any of the buildings. It turned out the proce estimation made a year ago had to be done again. We found out that the previous price of the ground is 6 million zlotys (1,5 million euro) and the new one is supposed to be higher. Also, we were told that the auction of the ground can take place within 3 months.We keep our eyes open and will let you know when the mobilization moment comes.