The Anarchist Review - Issue No. 7, 2008

The Anarchist Review - Issue No. 7, 2008

  • środa, 13 luty 2008
CHAPTER: LATIN AMERICA – STRATEGIES OF DOMINATION, WAYS OF RESISTANCEJarosław Urbański "Slavery and a birth of the capitalism”Beverly J. Silver, Eric Slater "Revolution of Caribbean slaves at the turn of the XVIII and XIX century "Jan Sowa "Roots of inequalities. Significance of colonialism for the development of the capitalism”Maciek Wiśniewski "OAXACA: Justice or barbarity”People united will never be defeated! - an interview with Anders Ortega, a lawyer defending political prisoners from LIMEDDH organization from Oaxaca, Mexico

Jorge Alonso "International conference on the anti-systemic movements"
Mariusz Doluk "Venezuela at the crossroads"
Rafael Uzcátegui "Venezuela 2006: Continued repression of popular protest"
Noam Chomsky on "Bank of the South"
"Brazil – fatal divisions" - an interview with Konrad Miciukiewicz z from the Sociology Department of the UAM University in Poznan
Grass-roots movement on Cuba "The mood on Cuba is changing”
Marie Trigona "Recuperated Enterprises in Argentina: Reversing the Logic of Capitalism"
What is horisontalism?

Damian Kaczmarek, Jarosław Urbański "The police arrest Aborigines"
Protest-The Police- Repression: a report of the Polish National Police on social protests and on police protection measures
Artur Konowalik "This is what law looks like here... a letter from the prison”
Piotr Kropotkin "In a French prison"
Michel Foucault "A introduction to an ethic of non-fascist living. Preface to Anti-Edip”
Dorota Jędruch "School of reading"


Jarosław Urbański "Privatization and its discontents" about a book of Elizabeth C.Dunn, Privatizing Poland

Artist beyond the liberal consensus – an interview with Krzysztof Wodiczko
Michał Przyborowski "Cooperative Slowo in Lodz, in 1946-1949"
Damian Kaczmarek "Anarchism in non-serial publications at the time of People's Republic of Poland”

From reconstruction to the hot autumn - the class struggles in Italy 1968 – 1973
Unions versus workers autonomy
History of the Porto Marghera industrial zone
The history of the workers committees in Porto Marghera
History of the Potere Operaio (workers power) Veneto – Emiliano
"The workers should take things into their own hands"
Workers committees in Porto Marghera "Work refusal"
Gianni Sbrogió "Struggle is worth it!"
Intro to the DVD "Porto Marghera - The last firebrands"

Film: "Fifth visit for the incidents in Oaxaca"
Film: "Porto Marghera - The last firebrands"

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